Astrology of July 2021
The month starts off with a bang as Mars comes into perfect alignment with the long-running Saturn-Uranus square (2020-early 2023). Mars’ alignment with the other two has been building for the last couple of weeks, during which time a condo building in Florida tragically collapsed, likely killing more than 150 people. Astrology can never predict such an event, though it can help reveal its cosmic symbolism. In all dimensions, whether psychological, spiritual, or material, Uranus relates to sudden change, while Saturn relates to structures and rigidity. Structural collapse is one expression of the Saturn-Uranus square, and it includes the condo building in Surfside, the Metro overpass collapse in Mexico City, and the increase in random violence and mass shootings as people “just snap”. Mars forcefully catalyzes action, making this alignment all the more precarious.
The first week of July might feel especially rocky. The alignment of Mars-Saturn-Uranus is a volatile mix of hyperactivity and resistance, with people split into opposing camps and ready to fight. The best way to reconcile the energies of Saturn and Uranus is to ask ourselves what prices we are willing to pay for freedom; what changes we would like to see and how existing structures can support them; and if we are going to tear down old structures, what new solid footing we can find to replace them. We want meaningful and lasting change, not just action and reaction. The best thing to do with this Mars energy is to give it an outlet. Either through exercise, meaningful work, energy work, yelling in a parked car or into a pillow, or any other powerful means of discharge. When this energy has nowhere to go, it will hook on to other people, making them into enemies. We need a combination of constructive energetic outlets and conscious self-awareness.
Venus also moves into conjunction with Mars over the next two weeks (exact on the 13th) and squaring Saturn (July 7) and Uranus (July 8) along the way. This means that the tension, resistance, action, and volatility just described may especially appear in relationships. Fourth of July weekend may bring a clash of perspectives, as long-separated friends and family members come together again post-pandemic. But it can equally bring opportunities for renewal (Venus-Uranus) and affirmation of our lasting bonds (Venus-Saturn). Venus-Mars can be hotblooded and passionate, bringing a mixture of partying, fighting, dancing, sex, and creativity. Expect some ups and downs.
Venus rules the arts, and if you lean artistic, this can be an inspired creative time (Venus-Uranus), especially working with hard materials (Mars-Saturn). If you are really feeling the tension, try going Jackson Pollack with a can of nails– just make sure no one’s around. Sculpture, metalwork, woodworking, throwing yourself to the floor when you dance, cranking your amp up to eleven and rocking out: all of these are possibilities with Venus-Mars-Saturn-Uranus.
In the second half of the month, Venus opposes Jupiter (July 22), making for sweet and happy social vibes. It can smooth out the rough edges from the earlier alignment with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus, bringing positive resolutions to strained relationships. Artistically, it can help us build on our inspirations from the earlier Venus-Uranus alignment, which Saturn may have blocked us from realizing. We may suddenly find the creative solution we’ve been seeking and become prolific.
Mars will also build to an opposition with Jupiter in the second half of the month (exact July 30), gracing us with tremendous energy reserves and an adventurous spirit, but also fanning the flames of our egos. Beware of bravado and a reckless, cowboy-like energy. Nationalistic and aggressive tendencies in the collective can swell with this sometimes militaristic and crusading alignment. For the rest of us, it is a great time to explore the great outdoors or actively seek a higher perspective. Any combination of physical activity and expanded perspective will especially juice us up. Walk around the city, climb a mountain, go on a yoga retreat, think about quantum physics as you jog… whatever.
The first week of July might feel especially rocky. The alignment of Mars-Saturn-Uranus is a volatile mix of hyperactivity and resistance, with people split into opposing camps and ready to fight. The best way to reconcile the energies of Saturn and Uranus is to ask ourselves what prices we are willing to pay for freedom; what changes we would like to see and how existing structures can support them; and if we are going to tear down old structures, what new solid footing we can find to replace them. We want meaningful and lasting change, not just action and reaction. The best thing to do with this Mars energy is to give it an outlet. Either through exercise, meaningful work, energy work, yelling in a parked car or into a pillow, or any other powerful means of discharge. When this energy has nowhere to go, it will hook on to other people, making them into enemies. We need a combination of constructive energetic outlets and conscious self-awareness.
Venus also moves into conjunction with Mars over the next two weeks (exact on the 13th) and squaring Saturn (July 7) and Uranus (July 8) along the way. This means that the tension, resistance, action, and volatility just described may especially appear in relationships. Fourth of July weekend may bring a clash of perspectives, as long-separated friends and family members come together again post-pandemic. But it can equally bring opportunities for renewal (Venus-Uranus) and affirmation of our lasting bonds (Venus-Saturn). Venus-Mars can be hotblooded and passionate, bringing a mixture of partying, fighting, dancing, sex, and creativity. Expect some ups and downs.
Venus rules the arts, and if you lean artistic, this can be an inspired creative time (Venus-Uranus), especially working with hard materials (Mars-Saturn). If you are really feeling the tension, try going Jackson Pollack with a can of nails– just make sure no one’s around. Sculpture, metalwork, woodworking, throwing yourself to the floor when you dance, cranking your amp up to eleven and rocking out: all of these are possibilities with Venus-Mars-Saturn-Uranus.
In the second half of the month, Venus opposes Jupiter (July 22), making for sweet and happy social vibes. It can smooth out the rough edges from the earlier alignment with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus, bringing positive resolutions to strained relationships. Artistically, it can help us build on our inspirations from the earlier Venus-Uranus alignment, which Saturn may have blocked us from realizing. We may suddenly find the creative solution we’ve been seeking and become prolific.
Mars will also build to an opposition with Jupiter in the second half of the month (exact July 30), gracing us with tremendous energy reserves and an adventurous spirit, but also fanning the flames of our egos. Beware of bravado and a reckless, cowboy-like energy. Nationalistic and aggressive tendencies in the collective can swell with this sometimes militaristic and crusading alignment. For the rest of us, it is a great time to explore the great outdoors or actively seek a higher perspective. Any combination of physical activity and expanded perspective will especially juice us up. Walk around the city, climb a mountain, go on a yoga retreat, think about quantum physics as you jog… whatever.